How to remove pimple

 How to remove pimple

No one likes having pimples on their face

How to remove pimple

Pimples on face I am going to tell you very simple steps but if you follow it then all the things on your face will be gone first.
1.  Fash wash

use best face wash ...and daily.   .. Morning and evening or night use fash wash...
Pimple will not appear if you don't get dirt on your face but if you don't get people, excess dirt on your face will go into your small pores and it will become simple in future so it is better to keep your face very clean.

my suggestion...  please use natural face wash

2. Sleeping cloth

  2 days ones use Every day when you wake up with small pimples on your face, how can we prevent that carnage?
If you wash it daily with a good quality soap and dry it in the sun then you cover it with your pillow and sleep and you won't see any background.

3. Hair dust
The third reason is that when you go out, algae can collect more on the head, so if we keep that dirt on our head, it will be too soft on our face, too much toxins in the shoulders will appear, so you should clean it daily or at least twice a week.  You can prevent it.

4.reqular soap
When you use too many soaps in different brands and you put them on your face, the chemicals in them go all over your face and clog up the tiny pores and that's what gives you pimples in the olden days.  Well wash your face with hot water or lukewarm water only to remove all the dirt from your face and protect it. If you wash your face with cold water it will freeze your face very much and it will make your face dry and pimples will appear on your face so it is better to use water.

5.touch face

   If you wipe your face here and there with your hand every day, the bacteria on your hand will stay on your face and create small stones and that will lead to big pimples in the future. If you wash your hands well and then touch your face, it will not harm you, so you should wash it every time.  

   6.water drinking

You should drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water every day, even if you drink it, all the bad energy on your face will go away, so your face will look very bright, even if it looks like that, it will look beautiful.  Drink up to three liters of water as you drink water and eat meals every 6 hours every day.

By .   sanjay kumar


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